Science outputs of RHoMIS
The RHoMIS tool has been well documented in scientific publications, with an increasing number of papers and journal articles in the public domain. This highlights the valuable contribution that RHoMIS is making to science and to strengthen our understanding or rural households.
Below, we include some highlights of RHoMIS research and RHoMIS-influenced publications. |
RHoMIS has been used in the publication of more than 15 science papers and articles. |
Scientific basis for RHoMIS
Farming Systems, Food Security and Farmers' Awareness of Ecosystem Services in Inland Valleys: A Study from Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, 2022 (3.1MB) |
Perceived effects of COVID-19 restrictions on smallholder farmers: Evidence from seven lower- and middle-income countries
Agricultural Systems 198, 2022 (2,2MB) |
Heterogeneity of Resilience of Livelihood Strategies in Pastoral and Agropastoral Farming Systems of Rural Semi-arid to Arid Areas in Morocco
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5, January 2022 (2MB) |
Unpicking the Inter-relationships Between Off-Farm Livelihood Diversification, Household Characteristics, and Farm Management in the Rural Andes
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5, August 2021 (2MB) |
LegumeSELECT: Rural Household Multi-Indicator Survey (RHoMIS) report for characterization of smallholder farming in Sinana and Digga Woredas, Oromia, Ethiopia
CGIAR report, November 2021 (1.8MB) |
Baseline survey of smallholder pig producers in central Uganda
CGIAR report, December 2021 (3.9MB) |
Ex ante trade-off assessment of improved forage use in western Kenya and southern Ethiopia
Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT brief, 2021 (510KB) |
Assessing smallholder sustainable intensification in the Ethiopian highlands
Agricultural Systems 194, 2021.(593KB) |
Adaptive Strategies Enhance Smallholders' Livelihood Resilience in Bihar, India
Food Security, 2020 (835KB) |
Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies in Tanzania
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 55, 2020 (408KB) |
Land Tenure Insecurity Constrains Cropping System Investment in the Jordan Valley of the West Bank
Sustainability 2020, 12, 6557 (1.4MB) |
Improving Assessments of the three Pillars of Climate Smart Agriculture: Current Achievements and Ideas for the Future
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4:558483, 2020.(1.2MB) |
Food Security in rural Burkina Faso: The Importance of Consumption of Own-Farm Sourced Food Versus Purchased Food
Agriculture and Food Security 9:2, 2020.(1.3MB) |
Towards Actionable Farm Typologies: Scaling Adoption of Agricultural Inputs
Agricultural Systems 183, 2020.(593KB) |
The Rural Household Multiple Indicator Survey, data from 13,310 farm households in 21 countries
Scientific Data 7:46, 2020. (2.3MB) |
Food Access Deficiencies in Sub-saharan Africa: Prevalence and Implications for Agricultural Interventions
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 3.104, 2019, (1.2MB) |
Experiences and Drivers of Food Insecurity in Guatemala's Dry Corridor: Insights From the Integration of Ethnographic and Household Survey Data
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 3.65, 2019, (873KB) |
Household-level drivers of dietary diversity in transitioning agricultural systems: Evidence from the Greater Mekong Subregion
Agricultural Systems 176, 2019 (2.3MB) |
Intensifying Inequality? Gendered trends in commercializing and diversifying smallholder farming systems in East Africa
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 3.10, 2019, (874KB) |
Household-specific targeting of agricultural advice via mobile phones: Feasibility of a minimum data approach for smallholder context
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 162, 2019 (1.3MB) |
Prioritizing options for multi-objective agricultural development through the Positive Deviance approach
PLOS ONE 14(2), 2019. (1.8MB) |
The Rural Household Multi-Indicator Survey (RHoMIS): A rapid, cost-effective and flexible tool for farm household characterisation, targeting interventions and monitoring progress towards climate-smart agriculture.
CCAFS Info Note, 2016. (726KB) |
The Rural Household Multi-Indicator Survey (RHoMIS) for rapid characterisation of households to inform climate smart agriculture interventions: Description and applications in East Africa and Central America.
Agricultural Systems 151, 225-233, 2017. (647KB) |
Livelihoods and food security in an urban linked, high potential region of Tanzania: Changes over a three year period.
Agricultural Systems 160, 87-95, 2018. (752KB) |
When less is more: innovations for tracking progress toward global targets.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 26, 54-61, 2017. (763KB) |
Drivers of household food availability in sub-Saharan Africa based on big data from small farms.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113(2), 458-463, 2016. (4.6MB) |
The following posters were submitted by users of the RHoMIS tool to showcase scientific application and outputs. These were presented at the RHoMIS user's workshop held in Wageningen, Netherlands, in November 2018.
Generating a living income from farming. Plant Production Systems, Wageningen University.
Download poster here (2.1MB) |
Can we measure farmers' personal motivation to take up new practices on their farms?
Download poster here (1.8MB). |
The multi-dimensionality of food security: hypergeometry for measuring food security.
Download poster here (2.3MB). |
Use of RHoMIS at Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation
Download poster here (310KB). |